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Alkinoos Emmanouil-Kalos is a PhD Candidate in Economics at the University of Piraeus. He holds a Bachelor degree in International and European Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business, and a Master’s degree in Political Economy from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Alkinoos has been an associate of the Laboratory of Health Economics and Management since 2019, participating in various activities of the Laboratory. Since 2022, he has joined the LabHEM team as a PhD Candidate, under the supervision of Prof. Athanassios Vozikis. He is the Administration Officer of the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists, and Head of the HAPSc Committee on Political Economy. He is also associate editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Non-Profit Sector Empowerment. His current research interests focus on resource allocation and priority setting in Health Systems, as well as the institutional framework of the various types of Health Systems.

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